Low Vibrations
Fear, guilt, and shame are at the lowest level of the vibrational scale. Manifestation is a difficult process to master and requires a great deal of effort when it comes to managing emotions. When your vibrational energy lingers in the lower level of the scale it creates negative vibrations that block the ability to manifest. With that being said, emotions are normal and need to be acknowledged. Once we allow ourselves to feel and process them, we can shift into a more positive space. We often get stuck and cannot pivot out of the experience and emotions. The answer to that is gratitude and trust. It sounds difficult but when we can master the art of trusting that everything that happens is for our highest good, we can then move into a higher level of the vibrational scale where we can attract new blessings. Think about it, when you are interacting with someone who is in a bad mood, you do not want to be in their space because you absorb their energy, and it negatively impacts your emotional state. The universe works similarly. It does not want to be in an energetic space that is vibrating on a negative frequency. So, in order to attract the universe, we have to vibe at a level that it will want to share space with us.
Mid-Level Vibrations
This is the area we spend a majority of our time. It is not until an external force effects our world that a change occurs, shifting us into a higher or lower level on the vibrational scale based off of the emotions the experience brings us. Learning how to create source energy internally rather than externally grants control of how we choose to feel.
Brain and heart coherence are extremely important to this process. “What we think about, we bring about.” Learning how to find joy and gratitude throughout the day elevates emotional vibrations. I always say, “manifestation is not a secret it’s a science.” Understanding neuroscience and how it plays a role in regulating emotions creates a life changing shift into awareness and consciousness.
This does not happen overnight or by simply creating a vision board. It requires time and daily practice using mental rehearsal. The brain is a muscle. Just like our biceps, if we want them to get stronger, we have to do push-ups. It is the same with our brain except we use mental push-ups. A Push-up is a two-step process, up and then down repeated. Mental push-ups are also a two-step process. An emotion creates a thought and that thought fuels more of that emotion. When a thought occurs, neurons are fired away and traveled through a neuropathway. The more we feel certain emotions our thoughts mirror the emotion, and it strengthens that particular neuro pathway. If it is traveled enough, it becomes part of our subconscious way of being. Staying in the elevated portion of the vibrational scale by thinking and feeling positive emotions fires away neuros. It takes 21 days for a new neuropathway to be formed by the repetitive higher level cognitive thinking. It then takes continued usage of the same thoughts and emotions to make it a well travel pathway. The end result, a rewired brain.
High Level Vibrations
Joy, gratitude, love, peace, and acceptance are high on the vibrational scale and where manifestation flows freely. When a negative though or emotion arises quickly replace it with a positive one. This is the first step in retraining the brain. Mantras are extremely helpful because repetition helps to maintain balance as our highest self. Examples are, be still, I am love, I am worthy, I am stronger than my greatest obstacle, everything works out in my favor, I am abundant, money flows to me effortlessly. Other helpful tools are journaling, and meditating.
The most important tool is your vision board. It is a compilation of words and images that evoke an elevated emotion. Your eye takes in an image through the optic nerve and then immediately fires away neurons that are stored in the emotional center of the brain. When you connect with your board and activate the high vibrational emotions attached with imaginary play, this trains the body to generate its own source energy.
The brain does not know the difference between time and space therefore, we can trick it into believing a future event is actually taking place at that very moment. Athletes like Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps uses visualization before he competes. The vision board is the road map to your future!